DRESS :) tapi jadi lain..

view sikit pasal edisi jahit menjahit come out with beautiful dress for nur aisyah.. actually this entry just for rest my mind.. 1 day MC i got dis on my table.. er...nothing to say.. but im happy with my work..IKHLAS tau.. and right now pun tengah berhempas pulas for analisa tender.. i just poning dok looking for nice .. on that paper... yg poningnya coz..at early morning i dah take part for "MEMBEBEL" pada kon. or nice to say..taskirah.. every time need to reminder huhu..should i make a letter.. so sweet kan kalau dapat surat.. ponat wei bebel hari-hari for the same things.. sepatutnya..they have their own responsible .. not simply give nonsense reasons.. serious cakap.. i really love do my job event setimbun mana pun.. document, tender..work order...or wat ever tapi aku tul2 feed up ng org yg suka tipu+malas nak buat kerja just su...