fetus breech

breech aT 32 weeks....
my baby inside breech at 32 weeks.....................................follow up for next 2 weeks.

My baby is in a breech position. What does this mean?
This means that your baby is in a bottom-down position. If this is your first baby, he or she will probably settle into a head-down position in your pelvis around the eighth month of pregnancy. This is called a vertex or cephalic position. When labour begins, about 96 per cent of babies are lying head down, but a few (about three per cent), will settle into a bottom-first, or breech, position.

What if my baby is still breech near term?
According to the latest guidelines from the UK's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, your doctor should offer you the chance to have your baby turned manually into a head down position. This process is called external cephalic version (ECV). If performed after 38 weeks, it's successful in about two thirds of cases. Sometimes, however, the baby refuses to budge or rotates back into a breech position. Not many obstetricians in Malaysia practice ECV and the success of ECV is dependant on the experience of the obstetrician.
If my baby is in a breech position when I go into labour, will I have to have a caesarean?
A recent review of the research suggested that breech babies are less likely to be born damaged or to die if they are delivered by caesarean section compared with vaginal delivery. Some very senior midwives and doctors in the UK have challenged the research on which this review was based. They feel that a normal birth is just as safe, provided that the midwife or doctor has the special skills needed to help a woman give birth to a breech baby vaginally, with women in positions that would facilitate birth better and without the use of artificial hormones to speed labour up (see the Royal College of Midwives Campaign for Normal Birth). If you want a vaginal birth, your doctor may be more likely to be supportive if you've given birth vaginally before and you don't have a history of giving birth to big babies. Before making a final decision, you and your doctor should evaluate your situation and discuss the possible risks and benefits of both a caesarean section and a vaginal birth so that the two of you can choose what's best for you and your baby. If you still want to give birth to your breech baby vaginally and your doctor isn't happy, consider switching doctor to one who shares your view. Alternatively, your doctor may have a colleague who is happy to help you. If you have a breech baby and go into premature labour, your doctor will discuss with you whether a vaginal birth or a caesarean section would be better. The research simply isn't clear about whether it's safer for premature babies to be born vaginally or by caesarean. At the moment, it seems that a vaginal birth should be the first choice for premature breech babies. The safest way to deliver a breech baby is an area where the views of midwives and obstetricians are still changing. It is clear that some feel that the pendulum has swung too far in the direction of caesarean section and that the skills and experience in vaginal delivery of breech babies is in danger of being lost in the mean time.

Nota tangan: sumber diambil dari internet... :)


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